Rolling Door Sizes: 30′ wide, 30′ high standard construction. Large Openings to 50′ wide, 40′ high, are available.
Rolling Door Operation: Motors, chain, hand-crank or push-up designs based on size, weight or frequency of operation.
Usage: Standard construction for coiling doors is up to 20 cycles per day with High Cycle Construction available for doors expected to be operated more than 20 cycles per day, i.e., parking garages, sally ports.
Fast Acting Doors: For high traffic openings or where air flow or temperature control is critical, doors can be designed to operate at more than twice the speed of typical doors, or up to 2 ft./sec.
Operators: Push-up operation. Hand chain, hand crank and motors are available.
Insulated Rolling Steel Doors are recommended for exterior openings where maintaining different temperatures on each side of the door is desirable.
Sizes: 30′ wide, 30′ high standard construction. Large Openings to 38′ wide, 40′ high consult factory.
Operation: Motors, chain, or hand-crank designs based on size, weight or frequency of operation.
Usage: Standard construction is up to 20 cycles per day with High Cycle Construction available for doors expected to be operated more than 20 cycles per day.
Materials and Finishes: Exterior and interior slats are ASTM A 653 galvanized steel with exclusive GalvaNex™ finish in light gray or tan, SpectraShield® powder coating finish optional. Exterior skin is available in 24, 22, 20 & 18 gauge with combination exterior and interior slats being – 24/24, 22/24, 20/24, 18/24 and 22/22. Exterior and interior skins are also available in 22 gauge 300 series stainless steel with #4 finish and #18 B&S gauge aluminum with mill, clear or color anodized finish. View our Standard Materials and Finishes Page for more information.
Cornell doors are built to order to fit your opening size, operation and option preferences.
Keeps buildings warm in winter, cool in summer. Closed cell urethane foam insulation provides the lowest thermal conductivity of any material commercially available. The slat has an R-value of 8.0 (U-factor of 0.125) as calculated using the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals.
Upgrading to a Thermiser from a WeatherGard pays for itself in 17 to 23 months, depending on climatic zone.
Thermiser weatherproofing at bottom bar, guides, and lintel/door header cuts air infiltration rate by 90%. Urethane foam-filled bottom bar and compressible astragal provide seal at sill. Replaceable vinyl weather-stripping at guides forms weather seal along curtain exterior. Lintel mounted nylon brush impedes air flow around coil.
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